Welcome to Proof

Proof is a web-based platform that assists every person involved in the scientific process, whether for the goal of journal article publication or for use in a corporate or institutional environment. Proof was created to revolutionalize scientific information exchange and use.
Proof supports efficient authoring, reviewing, and editing as well as effective communication between authors, reviewers, editors, publishers, readers and others involved in the publication process. The result is improved quality and efficiency of publication that creates new business opportunities.
Proof helps the author or teams of authors write shorter, data-driven, evidence based manuscripts that are searchable in almost every way imaginable. Collaborative and simultaneous writing is now possible.
Proof tools help authors with every aspect of manuscript creation: writing text, creating and formatting tables, searching source material, crafting figures and other tasks essential to quality writing. Our new method of creating scientific reports fosters a new business model for the scholarly publication industry and allows true interaction between any interested party and credible scientific data.
Proof World Science: a new format for the scientific publication
...for writing as an individual or group
...for reviewing and editing
...for the first time – immediate access to use real data
...to create new science across disciplines
...for valuing science and publication
...that creates a new business model in publication
Writing a scientific manuscript for a peer-reviewed journal is difficult for many. Indeed most scientists, medical clinicians or investigators do not write, and those that do, do not do so as often as they might like. There are so many barriers. Time, conflicting priorities, lack of training in writing, a variable review process, lack of skill in English composition, lack of incentive… Indeed, the adage, “to bury a paper in the literature” is a true one. The barriers for those who write in English as their non-primary language are even greater. And then once published, the authors work, within the societies publication, as disseminated by the publisher – can be difficult to find. And once found, other than being suitable for reading, cannot truly be used. The world of science moves forward slowly, often because what is published remains unknown to most who would value such knowledge.
The review process is slow because reviewers are not assisted in the reading of a paper or their task in writing commentary or suggestions. Editors can not truly examine the review process, the science of peer-review, in order to make it better. Reviewers are graded on their “turn around time”, not on the quality of their work.
Writing scientific documents that are focused, can be stored and then searched, is a problem that has plagued the corporate world forever. We have created a tool that helps multiple scientific authors write together. Rather than compose text on their own computer using their own word processing software, they will write at a communal location. This location may be the journal website, or other central host. Each author will log on to the manuscript using password protection, and then all authors can compose the report simultaneously if desired.
Proof Corporate: the platform for real communication
...based off of Proof Science
...for organization-wide communication
...for writing as an individual or group
...designed for powerful organization-wide search capabilities
...that keeps everyone informed at all levels of the organization
Taking some of the cues from Proof Science, Proof Corporate allows for management and publication of internal information and ideas for large corporations and organizations.
As research and development is becoming faster and faster in all organizations, information doesn't not always propagate as quickly throughout the company. Sales is not aware of the new products being formulated in Research Lab #3. They miss an oppurtunity to advertise the upcoming products to potential customers, and precious time is lost. Proof Corporate allows for information to become available as quickly as it is generated, keeping all informed.