Mobile Application Development from SciencEngines

Take your entire company with you when you are on the road anywhere and any time. Your staff can access critical corporate data and applications from their SmartPhones or other mobile devices. Provide key applications to your corporate stakeholders giving you a competitive advantage.

We currently are focused on the Android platform, but also provide service for iPhone and Blackberry platforms as well.


Location Based - Many types of applications rely on the location of the mobile device or the location of some other asset. Our apps can find nearest services, calculate distances, do routing, react to current conditions, etc.
Virtual Organization - you can think of your organization without walls or fixed locations. Provide location independent services to your stakeholders.
Employees - employees can access personal informaation, information and applications that they need to do their job.
Customers - Access catalogs, order on line, read documentation, communicate with customer service, and all sorts of business applications.
Suppliers - coordinate delivery, check purchase orders, check order status, etc.
Unconnected - Connectivity is not always available. We can create applications that will download and run effectively even when there is no or limited connectivity to a service provider.