Functional Requirements |
The following are a statement of requirements needed to ensure the
preservation of evidence in
electronic form and not the application requirements for archival
or records management systems. Although specifically
related to electronic recordkeeping systems, they are also
applicable to manual or hybrid systems.
1a2. Regulatory issuances of entities with administrative authority over the record creating organizations are known. 1a3. Best practices of recordkeeping established by professional and business organizations within the industry and business functions of the organization are known. 1c. Laws, regulations, and statements of best practice with requirements for recordkeeping are tracked so that changes to them are reflected in updated internal recordkeeping instructions.
2c. System management methods are defined for all routine tasks. 2d. System management methods are defined for events in which the primary system fails.
3b. No records can be created in the recordkeeping systems except through execution of a business transaction. 3c. Recordkeeping systems and/or documented exception procedures can be demonstrated to have been operating at all times.
4b. Results of executing systems logic are demonstrable outside the system.
Results of executing systems logic are demonstrable outside the
system. All operational failures to execute instructions are
reported by the system.
In the event of system failures, processes under way are recovered
and re-executed.
Records: Captured
5b. Data interchanged within and between computers under the control of software employed in the conduct of business creates a record when the consequence of the data processing function is to modify records subsequently employed by people in the conduct of business.
6b. All data in the record belongs to the same transaction. 6c. Each record is uniquely identified. 7. Complete:Records must contain the content, structure, and context generated by the transaction they document.
7b2. System defined views or permissions are retained and the effects are reflected in the record represented. 7b3. Logical relations defined across physical records are retained or represented. 7b4. Software functionality invoked by data values in the content of the record are supported or represented.
7c2. A representation of the source and time of the transaction which generated a record is captured. 7c3. Links between transactions which comprised a single logical business activity are captured. Records: Maintained
9b2. Logical record boundaries must be preserved regardless of physical representations.
9c2. Transactions which index, classify, schedule, file, view, copy, distribute, or move a record without altering it are documented by audit trails attached to the original record.
11b. Functionality should be represented in a fashion that produces the same result in the target system as in the originating environment.
12b. Renderable: Records must display, print, or be abstractly represented as they originally appeared at the time of creation and initial receipt.
13. Redactable: Records must be masked when it is necessary to deliver censored copies and the version as released must be documented in a linked transaction.
13b. The fact of the release of a redacted version of a record is an auditable use of the original record and therefore results in creation of an audit trail with a link to the transaction which released the redaction.